The Ninoshenh Community
with Community Resources
Meet the services and practitioners who are part of your Ninoshenh Community
Our bundles are our mashkiki (medicine) that we carry. Bundling means we can connect these services to Ninoshenh Counseling clients. The client decides if they would like to access these services individually or with the option to collaborate. Collaborating could look like having meetings together to discuss wellbeing and resources in a way that wraps our services around the client, adding to the village approach.
Each Community service you see on this page has signed an Ninoshenh (Auntie) agreement to show up and participate in collaborative support when requested by the clients. Counseling for Nimaamaa or Ninoshenh can be bundled with any of the services found on this page.
The members of the Ninoshenh Community commit to uphold their role as an Auntie as sacred work. They are services Ninoshenh Counseling considers safe and would be useful for my family and I. We can set up a connection for you with these services at your request. You can explore the info about them below as well as their websites and contact info. Feel free to reach out to them at any time.
Here are some documents for you to use and share in the community.
Printable Resources:
7 Sacred Teachings Body Map – Syilx Photo (Teachings by Kimberly Pelletier Sagidjiwegjig)
7 Sacred Teachings Body Map – Anishnabek Photo (Teachings by Kimberly Pelletier Sagidjiwegjig)
Birthing Affirmations (From Daybreak Star Doulas with Art by Wakeah Jhane)
Traditional Self-care Medicine Wheel Fact Sheet (Native Women’s Association of Canada NWAC)
Weekly Celebration Tracker (From Mama Coach Alexis Nelson)
My Wellbeing Plan – Anishinabe Version
My Wellbeing Plan – Michif Version
My Wellbeing Plan – ililîmowin Version
E-learning Course (no cost):
Native Women’s Association of Canada’s e-learning program on providing trauma-informed, culturally safe, and intersectional services for, to, and with 2SLGBTQ+ Indigenous people with lived experience of gender-based violence
We’re here to help
We are here to answer questions about anything you see on this website. At Ninoshenh Counseling we value Community. This is the first step to determine if we are a good addition to your community. Do you have additional questions about our counseling and community services? We’d love to hear from you! Just fill out our handy form, and we’ll be in touch soon!